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Why You Should Get Solar Panels

Why You Should Get Solar Panels
February 16, 2020

As the world shifts to more renewable forms of energy, the list of reasons for why you should get solar panels is getting longer and longer. After all, the sun is the world’s most reliable form of energy and typically offers between 250 and 400 Watts of power depending on the weather and climate.

Luckily, homeowners in the United States can benefit from solar power regardless of location. However, it’s no surprise that the country’s sunniest states like Arizona, Texas, Nevada, and California have a thriving solar panel industry. Electricity providers have begun to realize the benefits of solar panels, often offering incentive programs or performance guarantees when you opt for this electricity option. As soon as you install a solar panel for your home or business, you can start reaping the benefits that solar energy has to offer. Reduce your carbon footprint and rely on these top reasons to invest in solar panels:

You Want to Save Money

Most homeowners who invest in solar panels do so because they’re tired of paying exorbitant prices each month for power. After you pay the initial cost for your solar panel, you will receive nearly limitless energy at little to no extra cost. Along with ensuring maintenance and inspections are performed on your solar panels regularly, some homeowners have been able to completely eliminate the need for traditional forms of home electricity. While it’s always smart to have a backup generator handy, the cost-saving qualities associated with solar panels have made this investment one of the most desirable home features today. In fact, installing solar panels can even increase your home’s resale value. According to some studies, the presence of solar panels have been shown to increase home values by 20% or more.

Installing solar panels can also help prevent spikes in your energy bill throughout the year. It’s common for energy bills to spike during the hot months of summer and the frigid nights of winter. Between running your air conditioning and spending more time indoors, it’s typical to see higher numbers on your bill. Luckily, solar panels can help deter these fluctuations, allowing you to better budget from month to month.

You Want to Help the Environment

Traditional forms of home energy, like coal and oil, are not considered renewable resources. Worse yet, these energy sources create harmful pollutants in the environment, both in your home and at the power plant where the energy is generated. While heating oil has combatted some of the effects of traditional methods of heating, electricity production is still struggling to break away from fossil fuels. Solar panels have become one of the most popular forms of alternative energy since they don’t produce harmful byproducts like fossil fuels. Should these alternatives be used on a larger scale, the health of the environment will inevitably change for the better.

Are There Cons Associated with Solar Energy?

While solar energy offers countless benefits to homeowners and business owners alike, there are a few caveats that might prevent you from getting them. After all, solar panels in Arizona are a smart deal because of the consistent sunlight. However, installing solar panels for your home in cloudy Washington or the shady forests of the Adirondacks might mitigate these benefits.

Another issue can be the high up-front cost. Some energy providers offer installation plans to help deter these high fees, but another monthly payment might be the last thing a struggling homeowner needs when they’re trying to save money. Additionally, solar panels may not be in the cards for renters or members of HOAs that control the appearance of your property.

When all is said and done, solar panels have become a great way to harness renewable energy from the sun. However, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of these tools before investing. If you are unable to pay the high up-front costs of solar panel installation, you might be better off waiting for a few years before making the shift. After all, remembering to turn off lights and switching to other energy-efficient appliances can also lower your bill and protect the planet.

When you’re ready to make the change, compare electricity providers with iSelect today. They’ll help you make a more informed decision so you get the best return on your investment.

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