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Stop Overpaying for Your Internet With These Home Hacks

Stop Overpaying for Your Internet With These Home Hacks
December 14, 2020

Internet usage seems to be as common as breathing for people around the world. The current world’s population stands at 7.8 billion people. Of that 7.8 billion, approximately 4.79 billion people across the world use the internet on a regular basis. Broken down by percentage, this accounts for 61.4% of the world’s population. Between the years 2009-2019, internet usage increased by 1,157%.

People use the internet for a variety of reasons. This includes using the worldwide wide web for accessing e-mail, doing research, downloading files, participating in discussion groups, interacting with social media hubs, reading electronic magazines/newspapers, and playing interactive games. No matter what the reasons are for usage, the above numbers highlight the fact that the internet has become a major utility in our home lives. Here are a few hacks you can use to save money on this fundamental home utility.

Find the cheapest internet service.


This may sound like a pretty common sense hack to follow, but you’d be surprised at how many people don’t utilize it. If you don’t want to pay a lot of money for a particular service, look for cheaper options. It’s as simple as that. Try to look for those cheap internet options which are available in your area, and do a comparison between what each service offers.

When looking at these different options, you’ll want to consider availability, speed, cost, the type of connection, and reliability. Once you factor each of these into the options which are presented to you, then choose the one which can work best for you and your wallet. Another option that you might look into is choosing a limited-data mobile hotspot plan. Also, consider investing in a cheaper prepaid data-only plan.

Take into consideration that the cheaper internet coverage you find, there’s chance that your internet activities will be lessened. Some cheaper internet options are good for checking your email and social media, but not so much for plans that require more speed like gaming and streaming video. Check with your ISP (internet service provider) to see what your options are, and start saving money on your internet service.

Purchase your own modem and router.

If you decided to stay with one ISP for multiple years, consider purchasing your own modem and router. This can help you to save money over the course of your relationship with your ISP since you won’t have to rent these devices from them. By making a one-time investment in your own modem and router, you can stop overpaying for this crucial component of internet access.

Consider that many ISP’s charge their users approximately $10-$15 for renting a modem and router. Let’s say you sign a contract for two years of coverage with an internet service provider. This totals up to anywhere between $240-$360. Most routers and modems that you can purchase outright, cost less than $200.

Think about all the money you can save with splurging for your own modem or router. You can probably even add this money to that which you’ve earned with those many side hustles for men or women, that you’ve kept going to bring extra money into your home. This is an internet cost hack that should be looked into.

Negotiate, negotiate, negotiate.


When you negotiate your bill with an ISP, go into discussions being polite, yet firm. You are looking for ways to save money. If they can’t provide that, then tell them that you are looking for other options when it comes to providers. Look into what other ISP’s are offering, and use this in your negotiating arsenal. At the end of the day, your ISP doesn’t want to lose a customer, so some companies will often be willing to find a plan that works best for you and can help you to save costs.

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